Tuesday, January 24, 2017

It's not Adam Ant but Ant Ryan!

For those of you old enough to remember 1980s English post-punk group, Adam and the Ants, you’re in the wrong blog post. Today, I’m thrilled to have as a guest English scientist and sci-fi author extraordinaire, Ant Ryan. AND he’s got a thing about Spanish caves! So read on ...

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

The new discrimination

In a world where there are many types of discrimination such as race, religion, sex, age, marital status, physical or intellectual impairment or sexual orientation to name a few, not many people have caught on to this type of discrimination: The new discrimination.

Why is that, I wonder? The answer is very simple. They can’t see it; and most people don’t even believe you if you try to explain it to them. But they will discriminate because there are many who can’t wrap their brains around it. Why? Because this is an invisible and insidious type of entity that allows you to look normal on the outside while you suffer the agonies of hell on the inside—both at a physical and mental level. The name for this entity is “chronic pain”.

So those of us who suffer from chronic pain (or any chronic illness where you still look healthy on the outside) learn to become real actors. In fact, we should all get Academy Awards because we do this so well. We go about life looking like any other person in the street on the exterior, but we hide the pain and mental anguish on the inside... MORE

Friday, September 2, 2016

Living in three worlds

It is a well-known fact that most authors live vicariously through their characters. I’m not sure if this is true for all of them, but I believe authors need to live “in character” at some stage if their work is to be of quality.

In fact, I’ll take this a step further and propose that many of us (author or not) live between three worlds:

1. Reality
2. In character
3. Vicariously
In which world would you live the most?

Let’s take a closer look HERE

“Murder, she wrote” – crime writer inspired by the world of international hotels

Double identity of novelist Sylvia Massara:

Freelance consultant by day … murder mystery author by night. That’s a fitting description of multi-genre novelist now-turned-mystery-author, Sylvia Massara.

Sylvia is an ex-human resources manager who now freelances for her bread and butter, but she spends her spare time penning novels (well, in truth she really uses Word rather than a pen).

Her latest sassy and cool, older chick protagonist was born by drawing inspiration from the international hotels in which Sylvia worked in a previous life. Her creation resulted in a savvy, smart-talking duty manager named Mia Ferrari who acts as a hotel-based, crime-solving, super sleuth heroine, and who has a weakness for younger men of the “bad boy” variety, is addicted to coffee and Italian food, and loves to drive a Ferrari. "Corny, I know," Sylvia refers to the car. "But I couldn't resist."

 Click HERE to find out more about the world of Mia Ferrari.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Why I "DON'T" celebrate Australia Day

Today, 26 January, is Australia Day. Most people are grateful for the public holiday; and our nation is meant to celebrate what, exactly?

The first sentence in our national anthem is enough for me to bring up several issues that Australia should address--either this or change the first line of the national anthem!

Here's that first line from Advance Australia Fair:

"Australians all let us rejoice, for we are young and free."

Yeah, okay. First of all, let's change the name of the actual anthem. Australia is NOT being advanced in a fair manner at all. Why? Because as usual, our self-serving politicians are too busy "advancing" their own interests and they don't give a rat's ass about the general population.

But this is not why I wrote the blog post... More

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

My life with David Bowie

Mmm. Stealthy as a cat!
Is it possible to spend the best part of your life with someone whom you haven't met? I'm living proof of it; so read on.

I can’t quite remember the exact year when my life with David Bowie began; but it was sometime around 37 years ago--and he never left me.

Creatives are very sensitive people who usually go around with hundreds, if not thousands, of characters, plot lines and/or song lyrics in their heads. We live and breathe this energy we call creativity; and we’re at our best when we are, as we authors call it, “in the zone”.

So why am I writing about David Bowie now? 
... MORE

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Do Apocalypse And Romance Mix? You Will Have To Wait And See

Sylvia Massara's first sci-fi novel has been in the makings of her mind for 30 years. Finally, the characters screamed the loudest and were heard when Sylvia was searching for a story line for her 7th novel.

The Stranger is a sci-fi thriller romance with moralistic issues. Rhys is on a mission to Earth in order to determine Earth's destiny, but his judgement is in danger of becoming clouded when he meets and falls in love with Carla, a human... more